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Bassoon Demonstration and Tryout Classes


Jun-Aug 2019

你知道巴松管是什麼樂器嗎? 你有沒有聽過它的聲音? 你知道它是如何發聲嗎? 有沒有欣賞過巴松管的音樂?

Have you seen a bassoon before? Have you heard of its sound?  Do you know how it produce a tone? Have you listened to any music played by bassoon?

Demonstration Class 班次: 

Class 1: 30/6/2019 (SUN) 3:00- 4:15pm

Class 2: 21/7/2019 (SUN) 3:00- 4:15pm

Class 3: 18/8/2019 (SUN) 3:00- 4:15pm

地點: 灣仔軒尼詩道 375 - 379 號利威商業大廈 16 樓全層

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