Graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Education, Lo Ling studied bassoon under the tutelage of Mr. Kam Shui, former principal bassoon of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, and contra bassoon with Mr. Adam Treverton Jones, contra bassoonist of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. She has been involved in performances by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, Hong Kong New Music Ensemble and SAR Philharmonic Orchestra, and was participated into the Asian Youth Orchestra and Youth Music Culture Guangdong Camp in 2018, and master classes by Carlo Colombo, Matthias Rácz, Daniel Matsukawa and Hans Agreda.
When Lo Ling does not play bassoon, she loves to paint, read, and write. She organised her own painting exhibition titled “I am always incomplete” in September 2019 and sponsored by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council to present a multimedia show “My Bassoon, My Poems” collaborating poetry and bassoon music in January 2019. Being a vegetarian, Lo Ling hopes equality can be extended to all species in the world.
畢業於香港演藝學院音樂演奏碩士、香港中文大學音樂文學碩士及香港教育大學教育榮譽學士,師隨前香港管弦樂團巴松管首席-金瑞先生修習巴松管,及香港管弦樂團低音巴松管手Mr Adam Treverton Jones修習低音巴松管,鷺玲曾參與2018亞洲青年管樂團、香港管弦樂團、香港城市室樂團、香港創樂團及香港愛樂團的演出。於去年一月獲香港藝術發展局贊助舉辦「我的巴松管,我的詩」多媒體表演,及九月舉辨個人畫展「我是一個不完整的人」,鷺玲閒時喜愛看書、寫作及畫畫,也希望以素食生活默默地推動物種平等。